Nail fungus is a common problem that anyone can face. Medicine offers official and non-traditional folk remedies as a treatment method. Of the latter, the most common is celandine. This plant is a weed with pronounced antiseptic properties, as is clear from its name. Toenail fungus celandine is very effective, but it is important to know how to use it properly.
Composition and useful properties of plants
Thanks to its composition, useful properties of celandine include:
- Phytoncides with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties;
- chelidonin, an anesthetic and antipruritic;
- Essential oils, organic acids and vitamin A, have regenerative and wound healing properties.
Whether celandine can cure toenail fungus is a common concern for all patients. In order to see the maximum effect, some conditions are necessary. First, the fungus should not have an advanced stage, the chance of recovery with treatment in the initial stage is close to 100%, and celandine should only be used as part of the treatment if the disease has been going on for a long time. Complex treatment, including medication.
The treatment of nail fungus with celandine is effective if used for prophylaxis: to prevent the recurrence of the disease, or to consolidate the therapeutic effect obtained with the help of specially designed drugs.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Celandine Treatment
Celandine has a number of advantages for toenail fungus that keep this method in its most popular spot. First, celandine is available: this plant can be found almost everywhere and is easy to find, collect and apply for specific recipes. You can buy celandine in different forms at any pharmacy if you want.
Celandine is a natural remedy that can also be included in its list of benefits. But it can also be a negative for allergy sufferers, as any herb is always a strong allergen. Celandine must be tested on sensitive areas of the body, such as the elbows, before first use.
Although celandine-based nail fungus products are relatively safe, they contain the toxic substance celandine. This property of celandine helps deal with the fungus because it actually destroys it. However, external use can cause burns, and oral use can cause serious poisoning. Therefore, it is not recommended to take products containing celandine in it.
A conditional subtraction of celandine is the fact that any non-traditional remedy is usually used for self-medication. That said, patients do not undergo mandatory physical examinations before treatment for celandine toenail fungus, which helps to choose a more accurate treatment.
celandine treatments
Since celandine juice contains poison, you should not risk taking it into your body. Also, with nail fungus, treatment should be primarily external.
Therefore, the use of celandine directly on fungus-affected nails must be made before using concentrated treatments and diluted juices in tray form.
There are many bath recipes in which healing plants are added in various forms. But if there are some rules: First, the water temperature should be within 50 degrees, i. e. neither hot nor cold. Secondly, the tools are not independent, it is necessary to treat the nails with different compositions after bathing.
To prepare, you will need to take 4 tablespoons of celandine oil, 20 ml of tincture or an equal amount of decoction in a small water bath.
Bathing should be done twice a day in the morning and evening, soaking the nails for at least half an hour.
nail treatment
For the treatment of nails, you can use the pure juice of plants. To do this, it should be cut open and squeezed with cheesecloth. Soak a cotton pad in the juice and rub your nails twice a day.
Adding other ingredients to celandine juice can improve processing efficiency.
- Citrus juices, such as half a lemon, can create a hostile environment for fungi on your nails. It has to be mixed with juice and a nail mask should be made twice a day for half an hour. Analogs can be used in place of lemon juice: vinegar and celandine are more popular than lemon juice treatments for nail fungus.
- For processing, you can use celandine oil from the nail fungus, which you can prepare yourself or buy at a pharmacy. In order for the ingredients of the product to penetrate the nail plate better, the nails must first be steamed in a soap and soda bath. Afterwards, moisten the disc with the oil and apply it to the nails for half an hour, 1-2 times a day. Treatment should continue for at least 3 months until the affected nail has fully grown back.
- Iodine is a preservative with antifungal properties. When mixed with celandine oil in a 1: 1 ratio, it allows you to create a very effective remedy. It is used in the same way as the oil: it is applied to the nails in a compressed form after steaming. Iodine is available at pharmacies. If desired, iodine can be used instead.
- Hydrogen peroxide in a 3% solution helps improve the penetration of the oil into the nails. For the formula, you need to take equal amounts of both ingredients and apply to your nails after bathing. Treatment should continue until the nail grows back.
Whether it is possible to treat nail fungus with celandine does not depend on the choice of a particular formulation, but on the regularity of its use. If you treat your nails at least 2 times a day, the treatment effect will definitely be felt.
How to prepare celandine-based medicines?
Celandine can be purchased in ready-made medicinal form at pharmacies. But it's not difficult to make ointment, cream, balm, or celandine oil yourself with toenail fungus. The most important thing is to choose the correct ratios and follow the cooking technique.
Best recipes for celandine to fight nail fungus
For treatment, not one, but several are recommended. That said, the quickest way to treat nail fungus with celandine at home is not with a comprehensive approach, nor with a specific formula.
Healing Celandine Juice
Celandine juice should only be used freshly squeezed and should not be stored for a long time. It is important to understand that the juice is very toxic and therefore is used as a means of cauterization, the destruction of fungal infections. When working with celandine, you must follow the safety rules: wear protective gloves and use a cotton pad to apply or stick the juice itself to your nails.
The juice can be mixed with other ingredients that destroy fungi.
edible oil
Celandine oil is available at any pharmacy, but it's easy to prepare at home with the following recipe: Mix any vegetable oil and celandine hay in roughly equal proportions, then soak in a water bath for three hours. After the oil has cooled (after about 2-3 hours), the product is completely ready to use.
Store the oil in a cool, dark place, such as the refrigerator.
celandine juice ointment
Celandine ointment can be used as a mask for nails affected by fungal infections. Unlike the recipe for preparing the oil, the ointment requires the use of fresh celandine, from which the juice is squeezed. To speed up the cooking process, you can't squeeze the juice, just grind the fresh plant in a blender. Afterwards, celandine is mixed in equal parts with any fat and infused throughout the day. The ointment should be applied once a day.
The cream has a similar therapeutic effect. Crushed celandine porridge is mixed with baby cream in a ratio of 1: 3, which is good for cream because the absorption rate of cream is much higher than that of fat. This remedy is applied three times a day. It can be used for treatment and prevention.
celandine tincture alcohol
Celandine tincture is derived from toenail fungus alcohol, made from fresh plants and mixed 1: 2 with vodka. Pour the product into a bottle and soak in a dark place for 12-14 days. After that, you need to take a few drops of the tincture daily, mixed with water. You need to start with 5 drops and gradually increase to 20 drops. The duration of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks.
Compressed celandine juice
Any of the recipes described can be used as a compress, apply a thick layer to your nails, and let it sit for half an hour. Front nails need to be softened in the tub.
Celandine Soup
Celandine soup can be used as a bath. When cooking, you need to take a liter and a half of boiling water and pour in 5 tablespoons of dried plants. After holding the product for 15 minutes, it should cool down.
The cold soup is diluted with an equal amount of hot water and you need to cook the legs for half an hour.
Afterwards, wipe the feet with a tissue and treat with the ointment.
Celandine-based preparations and medicines
Celandine can be found in pharmacies in any form:
- bagged hay;
- butter;
- juice.
Nail fungus balm is the most effective remedy because the medicinal plants in the formula are supplemented with other ingredients that enhance its effects. How to use the nail polish cream is described in detail on the packaging: apply the product to the affected nail without rinsing.
for children and pregnant women
Is it possible to treat nail fungus with celandine for everyone or is there a limit - a pressing question that must be answered before starting treatment.
Three categories of patients should not use products containing celandine:
- children under the age of 7;
- pregnant woman;
- breastfeeding mother.
The last category has access to funds, but only externally and only under medical supervision.
Contraindications and possible harms of celandine
Like any effective remedy, celandine has contraindications:
- preschool;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- epilepsy;
- allergy;
- insanity;
- Heart and Vascular Disease.
Side effects in patients without contraindications are extremely rare. Alternative medicine experts recommend that you carefully consider the dosage and frequency of your medication. When used externally, there is a risk of skin irritation. When used internally, signs of toxicity may occur: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion.
As your health deteriorated dramatically during treatment, you will need to call an ambulance and try to induce vomiting. There is no specific antidote to the poisonous substances of this plant, so gastric lavage and symptomatic treatment are used.
You can use any celandine-based medicine to prevent the disease from developing. However, it is better to use a formulation with a lower concentration to avoid side effects. For example, you can take 100 grams of dried plants, pour 1 liter of boiling water, and let it sit for 20 minutes. After that, dilute the boiling water with an equal amount of warm water and use the decoction as a foot bath.
You will need to use the formula every other day, i. e. about 3 times a week.
Numerous reviews of celandine oil for nail fungus and other recipes can be found, as this remedy is so popular.
- Lady, 29: "I had nail fungus after my gym sauna. When I felt itchy between my toes, I decided to start treatment. I don't believe in medicated preparations, I prefer to use everything natural. So in the morning I use whiteCelandine took a foot bath, a bath and ointment before bed. The itching went away almost immediately, but I repeated the process for over two months. Luckily, treating foot and nail fungus with celandine helped, no need to see a doctor.
- Ms. 51: "I get a fungus now and then and I don't know what it's related to. I use celandine a lot, and luckily it's available everywhere. Recently, I've started buying ready-made tinctures at the pharmacy. But I prefer my own recipes. "